HVAC Success Secrets: Revealed

EP: 220 Victor Rancour w/ Profit Rocket - How To Grow A Multi-Million Dollar HVAC Business

Evan Hoffman

In this intense episode, Victor Rancour takes us on a wild ride through his business adventures! He chats about how tech, awesome partnerships, and a bit of personal growth helped him along the way. There's much to learn from his ups and downs, and he has some big plans for the future!

Key takeaways for you:

  • The importance of having a compelling vision for your business and the confidence to see it through, as highlighted by Victor's journey and belief in owning Dallas with his company.

  • The impact of making strategic decisions and avoiding costly mistakes early on, as Victor candidly shares the challenges and lessons learned from his past experiences.

  • Victor's approach to using AI and building meaningful relationships demonstrates the value of leveraging technology and partnerships to enhance business operations and drive growth.

Tune in and be inspired by Victor Rancour's business insights! We are so excited about what more this man can do; this is only the beginning. 

Find Victor

Web: www.callprofitrocket.com
E-mail: victor@callprofitrocket.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victor.rancour
Web: siro.ai

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Victor Rancour:

My whole purpose is helping that little guy, right? And I've helped guys go from nothing, man, to multimillion dollar businesses overnight, and it's either the people that follow what I teach and things that we do are scaling like crazy we're talking 10, 20, 30, 40, X year over year some of these companies are fucking going crazy.

Evan Hoffman:

Hey, welcome back to another HVAC Success Secrets Revealed with Thaddeus and Evan. We have good conversations with good people and any good conversation worth having is worth having drunk.

Thaddeus Tondu:

And shout out to the man in Texas. We've got a TX whiskey. Last time I was in Dallas at the Rocket X's, event. I bought it.

Evan Hoffman:

We're going to have ourselves a fantastic episode today. I'm actually really jacked for it. Literally when we had our guests say he wasn't going to be able to make it today. My immediate response was, do you want to have Victor back on cause the guy's fucking blowing up right now everything that he's touching is just insane. Launch fast response, what, two weeks ago announced that he was going to be doing that. Then bought another business, rolled it up into fast response a week ago, and then announced just yesterday that he was partnering with Kevin Fisker over in Arizona and taking that up and rolling that up into the rocket group. The guy is going nuts right now. You want to talk about expansion and just being able to accomplish so much in such a little amount of time. He's crushing it. we just got off of Rocket X a month ago, not even three weeks ago.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Although I did like, I did like when he said that that there was going to be no more events and then the two days later, Hey, we're going to Google in New York. It's a small one. It's a small one but let's dive in. Let's get him on the other side but first of course, our show would not be possible without our guests and then in no particular way. order elite culture in On Purpose Media. So have you ever thought about opening your database to fill your dispatch boards with lucrative service and sales appointments? And boosting memberships. Great. Enter an elite call a us based call center that does just that for over 20 years. They've dedicated their dedicated teams. Don't just make calls they directly integrate appointments into your CRM and fill your dispatch boards. Don't let your competition get ahead. Let elite call connect with your customers. First visit elitecall.net to learn more.

Evan Hoffman:

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Thaddeus Tondu:

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Evan Hoffman:


Thaddeus Tondu:


Evan Hoffman:

the hell did you find the time to join us today?

Victor Rancour:

You know what, when you guys called, I dropped everything I was doing. I made it happen, man. Obviously, I respect you guys, your show, and you guys have always been, more than open and always supporting me. There was no question you needed somebody. I was going to jump right in, man. It's been chaotic, to say the least. I've been out here in Dallas for freaking eight days, and the amount of stuff we've accomplished in eight days is absolutely nuts, but I'm glad I was able to find the time to make this happen.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Appreciate you taking some time to make it happen. I know it it's always good to have you on and amazing things that you're doing and it's fun watching.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah, man and thanks for having me on and obviously like this pod, this podcast, I really, talk a lot about what we've done over the last week and then things that we've implemented and a bunch of other things that are going on, man, my, my world's been chaotic. And I didn't really talk about it much, but obviously, my, my game plan was after the event was over with, obviously, that takes so much for my team and me and everything that goes into making that stuff happen and it's stressful and tiring. So I'm like, I didn't want to, really go all in and I knew that after the event, what my plans were and I didn't really talk about it at the event either, which I probably, I could have talked a little bit about it, but I've jumped right back in and man, it's been a it's been a weird year, man. It's been almost a year since I sold Absolute. I went through the depression stage, right? Like when you first sell your business, you're like, fuck, I lost my baby and you always think back did I make the right choice and all that stuff? So I went through all the depression stage and then I was like, okay, and I started chasing all these other things that I thought I wanted to do. But it really came to my realization, at the beginning of this year that like, hey, it's fucking, It's like Jordan, it's like Michael Jordan retiring early. It doesn't make sense and one thing that I'm, I know that I'm really great at is building businesses and building teams and things like that. So I'm just excited to be back, man. If you guys are been, if you're around me right now, you will see you your entire aura would change, man. I just I'm just so excited. I got some great things going on. I've just been blessed and my team's been, my team's been busting ass. So I'm pretty excited to be on here. But just what we've been doing right now, like in the last eight days, I can't wait. You guys see my YouTube stuff that's coming out, but man it's freaking insane. So we'll talk a little bit about it, but I'll let you guys ask your questions it's your podcast.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Yeah, no and I do want to get into some of that stuff too, but I'd like the right off the hop, man, like the depression of selling a business and I haven't sold our business. Maybe one day down the road we will, and we'll go through this and I don't think a lot of people realize some of the dark sides of selling a business and then, okay you wake up and you're like what changed? My bank account is certainly bigger, but now I've got nowhere to go and now you start chasing all these shiny objects and things and so yes, in your experience and having went through that, if somebody is going to sell that Hey let's take this back and let's expose some of this depression side of things, the dark side of things in what happened and what you did to overcome it.

Victor Rancour:

I'm really let's, I'll tie it into, from the beginning is I started that business 30 years old. Never ran a business, never started a business i, my ego at that point was just like fucking through the roof and that business I put myself in a really weird position, right? Like I made a lot of really bad business decisions of growing the business like anybody that grows a business that's never ran one before and I grew up really fast and I grew in the public eye, but I also led with ego and all those things and a lot of the stuff that I did early on in my business really, hamstrung what we can really do with the business and what I was even able to do and it got to the point where it scaled so big and because I didn't put all that, because of all the mad mistakes I made in the last first three years, like the last couple of years of the business were just super stressful, just really trying to fix those problems and the problems that we had built around the business from that beginning were really hard to overcome and, I never really talk about it much, but I made a really bad acquisition after year two of business. Spent through pretty much lit 3. 2 million on fire. That's just the cost of the business, not the amount of money and time, energy and effort, and all the cash that we lost burning that meal with that business burn, the turn rate on that business. So it was something where most people don't really realize, like most people would have gave up through in the towel, filed bankruptcy or whatever and, I pulled through it and I did stuff that I had to do to make it happen and it made a lot of decisions that didn't really align with what I really wanted to do but, at the end of the day, you have to do what you have to do in business and one thing that, you know, that I've learned, I feel like I've done so much in the last five years. I only been, it hasn't even been five years since I ran a business, I started my business. So it's all those things that I did in that short period of time, like people don't understand how much that I know like I, I've forgotten more stuff about how to operate and grow a business and all the things to do and not to do than most people you might will ever know. So it was a relief so when I was going to exit that business, I had put so much debt on the business and stress and all that stuff and I built the business that I really, I knew what I wanted but I wanted a fresh start anyways, and I wanted to start fresh and really do it the way that I wanted to, the way that I know now, the way that I teach my clients, like the stuff I teach in the blueprint is not how I started my business. It's what I learned, that's what not to do in my business. And all the things that we can implement to grow fast and it was, for me, it was really demoralizing because I'm in Southern California, the weather's shitty like it's always sunny in 75 it's hard it's already a hard business. I put a bunch of debt on the business and I didn't really put all my processes and procedures in to start my business. But then I started partnering with companies throughout the country where I can implement my processes and all this stuff and look what happened to them the, Georgia, they went from three to 30 million or, or 26 million in a couple of years, Vegas, we're going to hit 35 million. We literally sold 29 systems the other day at Summit. 29 systems in one fucking day. That business, we there did 1. 9 million in the entire year, 16 months ago. Okay my other partners in Sacramento and Utah and, badass guys up in Pennsylvania, these guys, we've grown some amazing businesses, but it was frustrating because I know that I'm one of the best or not the best operator in the country, and I promise you that I'm going to prove that. But I couldn't operate the business that I wanted to because I had already caused so many mistakes and made so many bad choices in the beginning. So that business, when I exited it, It was hard because it was my baby, but it was hard knowing that I fucked up. So I made so many bad decisions to start the business that I was never able to, able, it was so hard for me to recover. So it was like, okay, do I want to keep running uphill full speed all the fucking time? And it was stress all the fucking time. Like it was by now, we have to do, we have to crush it every single day to cover debt, our debt costs in the business and so that was very rough. So I got to the point where I knew it was time to let go of the business and was like, why do I want to keep doing this? The amount of capital and turn rate to run that business was astronomical. I knew how much easier it is in every other market. So any operator that tells me, oh, I grew a big business over here, come to California, you'll get smoked. I promise you. So those things are going to affect. So obviously selling the business. It was really hard because those are my employees, the people that I've helped grow and I've taken, I've taken some of my employees from food stamps to making hundreds of thousands a year. I've changed a lot of people's lives over the last five years and it was really hard for me to step away from it and then when I did do it, it was like, it felt like, man, am I doing the right thing? But I knew for me personally, as my family and my stress levels, it was the right thing to do cause I have so many other ventures and so many other things that I do. I make so much money doing everything else. Like, why am I here trying to run uphill all the time with a business with debt on it? That's one thing I definitely learned is keeping debt low. So one of the things that this business, I'm buying everything cash. I don't want debt on the business. I don't want to borrow borrowing the money. We just want to make sure that we get this thing going the right way and, now, but yeah, those first couple months, man, it was rough. We hung, I hung out at my, the beach house and, I was pretty depressed and you got to know last year I went through, separation and all that stuff and going through all that, with the kids. And it was a lot, it was a really rough year for me, right? But, I was still successful. I was still doing the things, but I was going through the motions. I didn't have the fire that I have back in me now and that's, I think that's what I'm most excited about is that I've finally got my passion back and my excitement and when you're around me right now, you're, I'm telling you, your level energy levels are gonna turn up. You're gonna wanna do more than what you're doing right now and that's what I'm really proud of for putting, its a so many awesome things together, but we'll talk about that but if that depression is real, man, that's your baby you built it and and I built this beautiful thing and everybody out throughout the country knew my business built it off of integrity. We built a great business, great foundation you look at the reviews, we're almost at 2, 000 five star reviews after, less than five years. It's just, it's insane. We built something special and so when I sold it, it was like, okay, I lost that but I thought like all these little businesses that I was partnering, I thought that was like, really, like it was going to be fulfillment, fulfilling for me, but it wasn't. I can't pull every string. I can't make the decisions and I know that if I'm there every day, that business is going to grow astronomically and that's where I'm at now, this business, I got the opportunity. I'm pretty much the majority owner on this business. I can go and build the business that I want to do and that's what I'm excited about.

Thaddeus Tondu:

There's a lot of ways that I can go in there.

Victor Rancour:


Thaddeus Tondu:

that's a lot,

Victor Rancour:

and a lot of people don't, a lot of people don't know this about my business and, a lot of people don't know like what the shit I was going through, man. I went on broad, I went on Bradley's podcast, in 2022 and when I went on that podcast, it talked about 40 million and this guy that linked to his YouTube and now YouTube linked to my, my, my company website or my company profile. So people would see that and the people that used to call me in to try to fix you started suing me. So the amount of lawsuits and like all the things that I went through in the last year of that business dude, it was brutal. I just kept pushing forward because I would rather, I was, I'm one of the guys I'll die on the, die on my sword, right? And it was hard on my family. It was hard on me. It was hard even on my employees. Fuck, man. It's I just kept feeling like I just kept getting kicked when it was like, I'm just trying my best to do really good for everybody and that's what happened there.

Evan Hoffman:

That's the hardest thing as an entrepreneur though, is to walk away and to know when to walk away and to just say I'm tired of fighting this fight and I'm doing the best that I can, but it's fucking exhausting.

Victor Rancour:

Everybody around me told me to sell it, the year before and two years before that, they're like, dude, Vic you're not yourself. 2019, Vic, before I bought, before I acquired Preferred and put all that debt on the business, that was a bad motherfucker, dude. Like that guy, if I would have never bought that business, I would have been a hundred million dollars within five years, I guarantee it and that's just a hard reality every single month I was cutting a check to the SBA for a business I had shut down. Every month I'm cutting 40, 000 plus all the turn rate and all the other shit that went into going into that business. It was a lot of burn and it's dude, no matter how much you sell, you can't outrun that and that's what I was dealing with. So the business, even the business got profitable, it's still even if it's EBITDA profitable, you still have to cut that check for the debt, right? Because that doesn't count against your EBITDA. And so it was just, it was a weird situation. There's a lot of people that said a lot of things that don't know much about me and don't know my background but I keep receipts on everything and that's what I'm most excited about. You guys are about to see who the best operator in the country is.

Evan Hoffman:

Was it the sexiness of the M& A that attracted you to making that decision and acquiring that? Because it was something that was happening a lot, 2019, 2020, 2021.

Victor Rancour:

I thought everything at that point, yeah, my first year in business, I went from zero to five million and then from there from five to 12 million and I'm like, everything I touch turns to gold, right? And so this business I overpaid for it, and I think, I think Lance Lance or someone would say, Hey, like that business worth 1 million, I paid 3. 2, right? But that's what there was, it was an eight, eight X multiplier on the thing and I was like, okay that sounds about right and so I, I made the decision to do that, but I also didn't know what it took to run a business that was two hours away. I wasn't, I didn't have the mind, the managers, I didn't have all the processes in place. What I have now is not even comparable not even a fucking St. Luke's Hemisphere is what we had, which we had then. I didn't even understand all the nuances of the office. I was still just a sales guy. Now, I can tell you right now, I'm a businessman that's for damn sure. So it's just, it's a whole different experience, man. It was a bad purchase but it was a 3 million education and at the end of the day, I don't regret it. Yeah, I wish it never happened, but if it didn't happen, I wouldn't be as gritty and how I operate now, I wouldn't think the way that I think. So it was an education and I think, there's some of the best and most successful people in the world that got educated and made mistakes and filed bankruptcy and all those things and I didn't have to file bankruptcy I worked my way through it I had to do some layoffs, reshift the business, but. I could tell you right now, I learned more in those couple of years than most people ever learned in their entire life.

Evan Hoffman:

School of hard fucking knocks.

Thaddeus Tondu:

And then almost the other part is you made the decision on ego, right and you said that before you led with ego and you've had to reign that in and change that and I think this is a big learning curve for a lot of people, myself included over the years of leading with the ego. was the biggest awakening call that said, oh fuck, I gotta check my ego and how do you, cause that doesn't go away by the way, that's something that somebody has to constantly work on. How do you constantly work on keeping that a check?

Victor Rancour:

There's ego and there's confidence, right? And in ego it doesn't make doesn't make rational decisions, right? And I think I'm very confident. I think that's how I come off that way because I really am, because I believe in myself because if you don't believe in yourself, then who the fuck else is gonna believe in you, right? So you gotta believe in yourself wholeheartedly and I do I, I wake up every day and I feel like I'm a bad motherfucker, right? But it's not ego driven anymore. We have to make financial decisions and, I think obviously one of the big things, it was like, Michelle coming into my life and helping me really understand the other side of the business was a very big impact on my life and I got to see the other side of it and I got someone that helps me make those decisions that I got to learn why those decisions are made or why things are done a certain way and so now it's yeah, you got to have confidence. Like you can't this is a big leap of faith, man. I'm moving from my freaking home in California where I spend almost every day on the beach and I'm out here in Dallas and I'm growing this business and I'm buying trucks, we're buying trucks and we're building this training center. We're hiring these people and I have to really believe in myself to, have, ask people to quit their careers and come work for me and trust me when I got nothing here, man. There's, It's a fucking tin roof that's it and I have to sell people on that vision. If you don't believe in it, they're not going to believe in your shit either but I tell you right now, the interviews I did this week, they walked in, they're like, dude, I don't give a fuck. We want to be part of this, right? Because that's how confident I am that we're going to succeed.

Evan Hoffman:

You had a quote from Helen Keller that you put on there this morning. She's also someone that talks a lot about vision and I remember listening to a some sort of podcast or something like that where they were talking about Helen Keller and someone, some jackass stood up in the audience and was like, Helen was was losing your eyesight the worst thing that ever happened to you and she said, no, losing my vision was when you lose that vision, people perish and you talked about having vision for your business and what it is that you want to build. How do you create a compelling vision? That's going to attract the right kind of people to your business, to allow you to achieve the things that you want to achieve.

Victor Rancour:

You have to understand people and just first thing though, you have to fix yourself before you can help anybody else and I think that's one of the big things that I've worked on a lot is really understanding who I am, how I tick, what makes me tick, what, what drives me. I've had to fix myself and I talked a lot about it at Rocket X and a lot of times as you get, it gets in your own way. Fixing me is the most important thing, getting me back to who I am and back to my core and my core values it was really important, right? But yeah the vision thing, man, is you have to understand what people want, right? And people want to be part of something special, right? If they had a choice of A and B, something that's real comfortable, they're going to get along or something where they have an opportunity, a level A opportunity to earn a lot of money, do something cool and just do something that's doesn't, hasn't been done. Something exciting. People want to be part of that. So you build that, right? And I always say you build it, they will come, right? And I've had conversations with guys are like we're not ready. I said I'll tell you right now, this is ground level and the guys that are on the ground level with me that jump in day one, they're going to have the opportunity. They're always going to have more opportunity. The guys decided to wait and have one foot in or have cold feet and it came later, who do you think is going to get more taken care of? So you have an opportunity and I'm telling you, I'm not going to fail. If you come trust me right now and come ride with me and do this with me, I'm going to take care of you and your family. I guarantee that you're going to have more opportunities than the guys that didn't want to trust me and guess what? They're all going to come at the end of the day, I will own Dallas. This will be the biggest company in Dallas and I don't give a fuck if I'm not private equity or whatever I'm coming and I, like I said, we have, we're very educated, very, we understand what we're doing. We're very calculated, but I sold these guys on, I'm selling them on the vision because that's where we're going and if you don't believe in it, if I taught, when I talk, I'm talking with very much sincerity. I'll tell you that much right now. Like I have no, no hesitation in what I'm saying right now.

Thaddeus Tondu:

It sounds like there is zero hesitation within it, but it really goes into the higher why, right? And that's what, where people want. So when you have your vision, when you have your why, when it's true to you and it's true to the company, now people feel better because they're part of something that's bigger than themselves.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah and also just so you know, there's a lot of people that are probably watching this and I've heard a lot of what you guys said, and I'm telling you right now, you're going to, you're going to eat your words pretty quick, dude. I'm telling you right fucking now. Some of that shit I'm hearing, Oh my God, like you're just digging yourself a bigger hole. So if you're watching this, you better shut the fuck up.

Thaddeus Tondu:

There's that confidence.

Victor Rancour:

I can tell you we're very well capitalized so don't worry about it.

Evan Hoffman:

You got your biggest supporter in your corner here. There you go.

Thaddeus Tondu:

She also, no, let's just say this she also said, finally you put you guys put a snack on the podcast.

Victor Rancour:

No, but but yeah, obviously we could jump into some other stuff, but some of the stuff we just did in the last week, man and we've documented a lot of it. So I partnered up with Fast Response to like about 10 days ago boots on the ground last Tuesday, and just keep in mind, we had no, no Google presence, no Yelp, no website we had no trucks, we had, we were only running like home warranty calls. We didn't have any technicians that have ever ran a retail call before. We've, we had no mascot. We are truck wraps. Weren't very good. There was just a lot of things that we've had to do and we've done all of it in seven days. Like we're ready to roll.

Evan Hoffman:

And shout out to Mike for learning how to build a website in two days.

Victor Rancour:

Do my brother build a website in two days? My entire team's come in, obviously Michelle's coming in, obviously putting all the reporting and finance side on that stuff in place. We got, I went hired, some great guys in the market that I know the market well, so they're, they're helping with me with some recruiting. We're building out a giant training facility so like in the next. That there's no, there's nothing there right now and in nine days, I'm going to have an entire training facility built out live equipment. I got a stage, I got a nine foot by 18 foot LED wall going in, all new sets, all live equipment set up and we're actually starting our first training class. So we're going to be doing full training from scratch. So I just, I've already hired, I think we hired 10 trainees that are going to go through that have never done HVAC before. We're going to put them through a training course. We already have that all documented in the blueprint. So that's already something we've already had built out obviously having them profit, having the business blueprint has allowed us to scale everything quicker. Everybody knows all of our SOPs, our positional agreements, exactly what their job is. There's training videos. We're already excelling and getting these guys up to speed really fast all the onboarding, all the stuff that we built in there over the last couple of years, and I told people like, I think four years ago, I'm going to build an encyclopedia for HVAC. And that's what we did with the blueprint. I built something where it's you have every fricking tool at your disposal to make it happen. We got all presentation books. We got dude, we already are going to look like a hundred million dollar business overnight because we already have the cheat codes to make it happen.

Evan Hoffman:

And that's what I love when you put out that post was it yesterday? Two days ago but everything you're doing is just in the blueprint. Just follow what it is that's been laid out and it's there for you. The resources are there and that's where a lot of businesses, they don't fail because of a lack of resources. They fail because of a lack of resourcefulness. The access is there.

Victor Rancour:

And it's a revolver effect, right? How long does it take you to pull the trigger on shit? And a lot of people are just so scared to pull the trigger. Like I said, it goes back to the limited beliefs, right? But one thing that we're working on right now, and we'll talk a little bit about the rebrand of the blueprint, what we're going to be doing and all that stuff. We're really working on documentizing everything you need to go from zero to 5 million, from five to 10, 10 to 20, and so on and so forth and it's going to have a fucking, literally a form, do this. Here's your fucking, here's your manual, fucker. You're like, you get it, just go do this and this is what we're working on. So we're really laying out all that stuff from our tech stack to different marketing that we use, like obviously at zero to 5 million, you got to be really scrappy, really resourceful. Okay these are the guerrilla marketing things you can do and all this stuff that I'm really implementing in there to get this thing off the ground to help people grow faster because my, my, my whole purpose is helping that little guy and I've helped guys go from nothing, man, to multimillion dollar businesses overnight, and it's either the people that follow what I teach and things that we do are scaling like crazy we're talking 10, X year over year some of these companies are fucking going crazy, but it's the guys that want to implement and take action and I know it's hard sometimes and so we're just really putting a lot of stuff in place that are going to make it, we're going to be the best tool for contractors to grow period like there, there's not gonna be a better training organization on the planet some of the things that the deal that we made today, we'll talk about in just a couple of minutes is going to put us in position to dominate the entire training space from sales, operations, finance, call center, everything and we're putting together a, just a amazing team of people we're very well capitalized and we're going to grow without this thing to where we're going to be able to support the staff, support our customers better than any training organization on the planet and that's what we put together and we'll talk about a little bit more about that as we go through the podcast.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Sure. I'd love to get into the blueprint as well as the the announcement that we have 'cause we've teased that out a little bit but we gotta get to our random question generated first.'cause that's a natural good segue into it and so you're familiar with how it works. We give you the choice of door one, two, or three you don't get to know what's behind the door, you just get to choose but the random question Generator, of course, is brought you by On Purposes Media, where we'll get on the first search results page, even if your grandma types the search wrong. So there we go , do you want question one, two or three?

Victor Rancour:

I'll do number three for my three kids.

Thaddeus Tondu:

For your three kids. All right. What's your favorite holiday and why?

Victor Rancour:

It's simple Halloween, man. I'm a Halloween baby. I'm a Scorpio, October 28th as you guys know, the first couple of years of Profit Rocket, I always put it actually, no one really knew they were just coming to Victor's birthday party. So that dude that would do the, yeah year one was literally my birthday dude. So it was my, I think it was my 23rd or 33rd birthday, 32nd birthday, whatever it was but it was, yeah, you guys are you guys. I just usually just pay, you guys have to pay for my birthday party, so that's pretty cool but I love Halloween, man. I love the energy, I love the party. I love dressing up, obviously I'm known for partying, like that's what I'm good at and that's, that's something that people say all these days. I'm like, nah, I don't, I'm not, I try to mellow, cut that back. I'm not as crazy as I was a couple of years ago, but I just enjoy it, man. It's fun. You get to have a good time. You get to go, be someone that you don't, you're not normally get to be and I don't know, I just like the whole vibe of a Halloween. I just love that it's around my birthday that would, that'd be easily my favorite holiday and I don't gotta spend a bajillion dollars on presents for everybody, so that's nice.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Even better presents in the form of alcohol. I love that and secretly, I'm I know that you really love Halloween. I was glad that I didn't have to dress up at the last event.

Victor Rancour:

You know what you were there Drake bought out the whole concert I'm surprised you got in.

Thaddeus Tondu:

I love seeing that with Rick Ross performing of an audience of whatever dude, it's a private event yeah,

Victor Rancour:

It was pretty funny, man, but now the event was fun, man. I know it was hard because it was, it's in the, it was in the spring and I, and that was the hard thing is I wanted to throw the event again, like pretty quickly, but I also realized I'm like, dude, everybody's broke during the spring. So it was like, a lot of fuck, I can't even they bought tickets to the event, but they didn't have a fucking flight. They couldn't afford the flights and hotels to get out there. So I was trying to help out as many people as I can, we had some amazing sponsors. That's really what made it happen and, I think that I'm just glad that I'm done with the big event thing and we'll, and keep in mind we're still doing events. We're doing weekly events or we're doing monthly events with a new training organization. We're doing stuff, but it's not going to be, frigging trying to get a thousand, 2000 people somewhere and all this crazy, it just doesn't make sense that, and I, that was, I think that a lot of that building, that was a lot of ego driven and I'm just like, that's not what I'm about. I wanted, I just wanted to build something and if you're at the event, like we really gave granular stuff that people could use and implement their business and that's what it's always been about and that's what I've always been about trying to get as many people knowledge as possible. I think that's what we're going to be able to do and we have a great partner in Siro that's going to be, helping take over the events and help us put it on we're going to be out in New York at the Google headquarters in October so it's going to be, it's going to be awesome, but we're really changing up the event, how we do things. It's really going to be more granular it's going to be really owner centric and really tight, tighter groups. So we're just going to be able to implement some amazing things and yeah, just, we've created some great partnerships that are going to allow us to do that and take all, take the stress off my back of having to plan and do all the events. Now Vic can just do what I'm good at, which is promoting and showing up and giving people a good time and making sure that they leave with some value.

Evan Hoffman:

As long as you're still throwing the parties, we're good, we're in.

Victor Rancour:

Oh, I'm throwing the parties. Like I've been throwing parties since then and then throwing parties, so that's.

Thaddeus Tondu:

But you are real and like big events. Like I've been to a few in terms of the agency space and what we do, and there's big ones and then there's small, intimate ones. When you have this small, intimate ones, you actually build better connections and you actually get to solve more problems in my opinion, because now you're building these intimate connections and I remember one of the the things that I liked the most about the end of the event and walking through the hallway when you had there was two breakout rooms, I think it was one was Gene Slade and the other one Sean Michael Crane, which had seats around in the hallway, right? And having the conversation like that was cool because now you see this intimate setting that's there with a circle, having a conversation to be able to solve problems because guess what? Everybody has a problem and when you can build this intimacy, you can talk about it and now it actually helps other people. It's just great.

Victor Rancour:

No, it's definitely key, man. Obviously the events are going to live on in a different form and the deal that we struck today is going to be a real different form. We'll talk, we can jump into it whenever you guys want on that as well but.

Thaddeus Tondu:

I think it's a little, nah, little, a little too exciting for everybody right now. I think we got to wait we got to wait. Yeah. I got to keep those view counts up.

Victor Rancour:

What else you guys got? Where's the questions at, man?

Evan Hoffman:

How good is Victor at edging? Let's see that.

Victor Rancour:

I'm not sure what that is, but I'm gonna leave that for you. I left California for that. I ain't doing all that. that sounds fucking weird, dude. I ain't doing that. You can do the edging. I don't know.

Thaddeus Tondu:

It's actually funny. Once I told Gene that I at one point after a call, I even said on the phone to Gene, I'm like, you know what? I don't actually really like you, Gene, but I do respect you. It was after the last podcast. I told him, I don't like you, but I do respect you and so now he's earning back the on my end of things.

Victor Rancour:

You know what, so we can talk about that too. Obviously me and Gene had our past, man and I actually just had a conversation, me and Michelle were talking about it and just, I truly believe that, he's grown just like I have, right? And everybody always has this preconceived notion about someone who is that's the old, that's not even that person no more everybody has their past, everybody does stupid shit in their life and it's how you change and how you react and who you end up being, right? And I think, He's one of those people that I'm really, I've met, me and him and I had a lot of conversations, spoke at a couple events now and, I hear a lot of his clients are doing really well as far as the training and all that stuff. I think it's one of those things you gotta really, you gotta really judge the person by who they are now and not who they, who you think they were, who people told you they were.

Evan Hoffman:

Yeah. And who they play on the internet is not who they are.

Victor Rancour:

No, man, it's not. It's like I said, it's at the end of the day, man you gotta make your own judgment and and people can make their judgment about me and so they don't like me. I don't like, at this point, I don't really care. I built my own fucking tribe and the people that fuck with me. And the people that are with me right now, I tell you right now, I'm going to make them very successful. So that's been fun that's what my driving force is anyways.

Thaddeus Tondu:

You bring people up, right? And it's the seasons of life and that's what I look at is, okay, everybody has a different season everybody adapts, everybody changes and I'm guilty of this too. Every single person is guilty of being some old version of themselves when you look at that old version of yourself and trying to redefine and maybe you just don't give a fuck. You're like, I don't really care, whatever. I'm not going to win you over are there certain people that you've looked at in the past from having led with the eagle from burning some of those bridges to being able to try to repair those? And how have you went about repairing that?

Victor Rancour:

There's some that I really want to reach out to. Like one of them, like I created this. I don't even know, maybe it was in my own head, and I could, he might be watching this or might not, but I haven't reached out to him one guy's like Tom Howard, right? I really respect everything he does, and me and him had our beefs and with the Fetch a Tech and Summit thing, and it was always, it was just like, we're competitors, and you hear things, it's harder things back and forth, and that's one of the guys I want to definitely want to fix my relationship with. There's a couple other people man, I just I feel like we're past that point. I feel we're all doing cool shit. I'm so focused on my stuff and my team and my tribe. I try not to talk negative about people. The last, this last week has been funny. Just some of the people that pretend to be your friend and then you hear this stuff you're saying, I'm like, first off, I'm not even, you're not even a thought in my mind but when stuff like that comes up, I'm just like, man come on, bro that's so childish. You're talking about Victor from fucking 20, 20 fucking, from, I don't know, four years ago, three years ago. I'm like, that's what really you're talking about, that means either you're scared of me or, most of these, a lot of these people, I call them smile fuckers, because they'll smile at your face and fuck you in the ass and that's how I just can't stand that shit, man just either be real don't come and talk to me, don't be fake to me in my face and then go say shit behind my back I'll tell you straight to your face I don't like you.

Evan Hoffman:

And that's the way to do it. Was that you just telling Thad right now that you don't like him?

Victor Rancour:

He looks like a smile fucker right there, look at him.

Thaddeus Tondu:

I'll at least give you the courtesy to reach around. Yeah,

Victor Rancour:

Here, smell this.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Ah, geez. Anyways, we're getting a little off topic. Looking at the Profit Rocket Business Blueprint, iteration upon iteration, adaptation about adaptation, putting those things in there and in really leveraging that, I think one of the biggest things that I think a lot of people miss on this, Hey, I got this blueprint. Now what? Like there, there's a lot that goes into that. Walk us through how somebody can take the everything that's in there and like you said, different stages, different tracks, etc. To make sure they actually stay on pace for it.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah and that's one of the big things that we're working with is through this new partnership with ProfitRocket is really helping and having a better implementation team, right? We've been, if you really look at ProfitRocket as a total we really bootstrapped this entire thing and I don't think people realize how much money it costs to like, obviously throw events. So events been our biggest burn rate, right? That burns a lot of our cashflow. We lost, millions of dollars on events over the last couple of years, which, it sucks and I don't know about anybody that likes to lose millions of dollars, but that's not what I'm into anymore, right? So I'm not going to do that but at the end of the day that's really helped that's really handcuffed us from really building out, the implementation team that we really need to as an organization and part of the reason why we stopped, we're stopping to do the events because we want to put our cash flow into what the most important part is, which is, serving our clients and taking care of them but that's what we're, that's where my brother works on so this is my brother's baby on the back end and we're really burning, building that learning path, right? Hey, where do you start? Because right now, if you look at the blueprint, it's a firehose, dude, it's a firehose of information and then you get the firehose and you're like, where do you start? You get overwhelmed and then just like anything like that, when you get overwhelmed, you're just give up. So what Michael's been working with and what my team's been working with is really burning, building a learning path and saying, Hey, let's start here. And then once you get to here, then go here and then go here and then go here. And that's what the blueprint's all kind of leading into at this point and like I said, we're, we, we've got everything from every SOP, job description, positional agreements, paid plans, like all kinds of different things. We, we have installed, like it's fucking nuts, dude. If I had this, when I started my business, it would be a G code. Period. Even if I, now, if you have a business right now and you bought that, I guarantee you that there's something in there that will just change your business. If you want to implement it obviously the backend stuff, like the ops side and all this stuff that Michelle does if you implement that, your business is going to change your life from our report. these things that you don't really think about as an operator cause most people are, there, they had an entrepreneur seizure and they were sales tech and all of a sudden one day they run a business and now they're like, why can't I make money? And a lot of people are sometimes just too scared to implement that stuff. So one of the things that we're building right now is really being able to go compete with the biggest training organizations in the country and I wholeheartedly think that we are going to be one of the largest training organizations in the country within the next three to six months with the stuff that we're building out but yeah, so implementation, obviously having a learning path, making sure that we're getting our customers to follow through check ins all those stuff and we do weekly coaching calls and all that. So it is a lot and it's a fire hose and we also, we're working on building a package just for startups and all those things that like, just to make it easy on people cause if you get overwhelmed and it's really, it's just, it's already, this job's already hard. You're, running an HVAC business, there's a reason why statistically 95 percent of businesses fail within the first five years, and it's like 97, 98 percent after the first 10. So you have a fucking, what, 5 percent chance of getting it right and being good at this and really succeeding and there's so many failures, there's so many more failures than there are successes and our job is to try to mitigate those and a lot of times the reason those successes don't happen is because they are, they're going to shiny object. They're going after this and everybody's trying to take their money from them. So we made the blueprint really affordable we made it so affordable that anybody can afford it and we're not going to break the bank and really hurt your cash flow, your business, or we're going to allow you to continue to scale. But there's so many training organizations, so many people out there that are just price gouging the shit out of people and if you really look at what we offer compared to everybody else, and the stuff that we put inside there is next level. It's not even close. I don't care what training organization you look at. We have better stuff than almost every single one of them cause I've been in part of almost all of them and I know what we have and there's gold. So I really wanted to bring a product that could help companies grow. But also not break the bank and not really hurt those companies, right? Cause I, at the end of the day, I'm here to help people and that's what I've always been about and the people that know me know that's what I am to my core. I would give my shirt off my back to anybody and that's what the Blueprint is. Man I'm going to supercharge your business. I'm going to freaking get you to the point where, you can run a business and make money and that's what it's all about.

Evan Hoffman:

I was gonna say even when it's a thousand dollar shirt, the Texas Medley rips off your back.

Victor Rancour:

Well, Texas Medley, he did come through and hook me up with that new shirt which I was pissed. Michelle just sent me a link the other day and it was yesterday it was on fucking on sale for 600 bucks. I'm like, damn it. They got me good, but

Thaddeus Tondu:

I still don't know why I would have a heart attack. Even though I could, I just wouldn't want to but that's just me.

Victor Rancour:

Did you look, did you see how sexual I looked in that thing? Yeah, I looked highly sexual. If you look good, you feel good, you play good, you get paid good, right? It's Dion, baby.

Thaddeus Tondu:

That is true. If you do look good, you do I used to show up at university wearing a suit and a tie and everybody's what the fuck you're wearing? A suit and tie for us. It could feel good.

Victor Rancour:

I went to the store and Michelle wanted to go to the store cause that's where she gets all her dresses every year and it's called Balmain and they're very expensive. I have a pair of jeans and then it's like 2, 500 bucks. But they're very expensive. But I'm like, I went in there no, we're not going in there. We've got to hurry up. It was like the day before the event. And I'm like, and I go in there, she goes there and look in the dresses. She's looking at the dresses. I end up walking out with a shirt and she ends up walking out with nothing. Yeah, moral of the story, just stay out of the fight. Stay away from South Coast blogs if you ever come to California, but yeah.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Fair, so in terms of the there's two things. So one of the business stats, and you mentioned that the other part that I think a lot of people also miss that on is if you do have a business, 95 percent of businesses never go over a million dollars in revenue and only 1 percent of businesses ever go over 10 million in revenue and there's also something that's a careful thing on there too and I always just like to point this out. Like you're growing, you're going to grow this massive beast of a hundred million dollars per year. Not everybody also should strive for that because it's all about what you want to and it's just, I always like to make that caveat in there, the other part is the scared to implement, and I think this is where people might be scared to be able to hit that number. They might be just scared of it, right? They say, hey, you know what? I can never run a 10 million or 20 million or 30 million dollar brew business. I'm actually scared to implement all the things that are designed to be able to get me there. Why do you think that people are scared to implement?

Victor Rancour:

People know what they didn't know, right? And I think this is one thing I talk about it, like going out to other shops and seeing what other people do, because I truly believe you can't do something you haven't seen done before and so I don't know how they see the There's a lot of inventions in the world that have happened, right? But they all came down from a need for something and filled it in, right? But a lot of times business owners they don't see, they don't see how these big organizations run. They don't see like the ins and outs of it and when you don't see that, it's really hard to do like I came from Service Champions, which, I think they're on sale for like only four, five years. Three or four billion or something right now. So if you're interested, they are for sale but I came from a massive organization that was like, I got to see the ins and outs of how a really good business runs and I got to see the ins and outs of other businesses, like other multimillion dollar businesses, and I think that's one of the biggest things that I've done is I've been able to go and see all these other shops and see what they do and once you see it, you can believe it once you can believe it, you can achieve it and that's how I go about it. So I highly suggest that's why the events are important to me. A lot of people don't realize the events are fun and exciting, but the big thing is getting around people that have done big shit like, when I started going to events in 2019, the first time is when I really changed, my mindset on things that were possible or when Ken Goodrich took me to the Super Bowl in 2020, I'm like, you can own a fucking private jet having an AC company? Let's go. This is badass. I didn't know this was possible. So these things that you don't know are possible and then you find out they are and you're like if he can do it, I can do it. And I can tell you guys right now, I'm not special, right? Like I, I work my ass off. And if you really see me when I am working, it's. I'm a relentless motherfucker when I'm on my shit. So I work my ass off, but I'm no special person, man. I just know that what I want, I know where I want to go and then I just go execute it and I don't allow people to get in my way and it's just either in or you're out or you're in the way and that's in, and I, that's how I operate. So I think that the biggest thing is just getting people to see what's possible. Now, I don't suggest it because, if I circle back yeah, maybe I could have grown slower and one thing that I've had, you have to trade, you have to trade, time for money and the time that I did trade, was it, it does suck, right? Like I wish I could get those years back when my kids and I was grinding in a freaking service truck running 16 hours a day but I wanted to get where I wanted to go, and I wanted to go fast, right? And even when I was a technician I moved up faster than anybody in that company ever. I broke all their company records. I went did it as fast as I could and I, it's something that I've continued to do in every thing that I've ever done in my life is I go all in and I go make shit happen. I just don't think it's for everybody. I think some people are good there's, you want to build an enterprise or you want to build a lifestyle business and some people want that lifestyle business where they can, they can work hard all summer, go chill in the winter, go hang out with their family, go on boats, go on holiday and do all that stuff. So I think that's something that would you have to make that decision. I think that's a conversation you got to have with yourself and be true to yourself and truly what you want, because this isn't for everybody, right? And even my partner out here in Texas, right? He partnered with me and I don't think he understood. Michelle was joking like you should put that something in the contract hey, this shit's about to go faster than I've ever thought like you better fucking saddle up and I don't think people are really ready for when I come in. It's holy fuck. This guy doesn't stop.

Evan Hoffman:

No, you definitely do not and that's you mentioned the shiny objects thing, right? A lot of people look at what you've done in the last 10 days and it's really easy to think, oh, you're just attracted all these shiny objects right now what's the difference between you right now and the decisions that you're making right now versus. The Vic of four years ago when you went and bought that business and it ended up being 3. 2 down the hole.

Victor Rancour:

The biggest difference is right now, and if you guys are seeing what I'm doing, I'm really positioning myself to really only have focus on certain areas and then, you guys are seeing like all the other acquisitions, but we've actually strategically put a team together and we put all the stuff in place where I have it now. My team has been wasting their time planning events for years when they're really good at fucking implementing in businesses. So I'm like, we're not doing this anymore. Let's go take all the talent, all the things that we have and then put these things in place. So I think that's something that's allowed to happen. But if you're really looking at, and we talked about the thing that now I'm going to announce in a little bit, it's really freeing up my time and it's really actually narrowing down to where my focus is and putting those, putting like a horse blinders on and so I can just go build businesses because if I really just do that, I don't know anybody that can build a business as good. Fast or as good or, and do the things that I can do but I have always had, I've always had shiny object syndrome and I, and that's something that I'm really getting checked on. Michelle checks me and my team's checking me, and I owe it to people to really focus on this one and I got a lot of people's lives that are depending on me being successful in this business and I put that above myself at all times but I will not fail. I will have a successful business and everybody that's with me is gonna be very successful as well.

Evan Hoffman:

It looks like Willie Ward wants you to build his, he's got five bucks for you.

Victor Rancour:

Willie, get a contractor's license and we can talk big dog you keep talking about it, just do it, dude at the end of the day, like you can't talk about it unless you want to be about it.

Thaddeus Tondu:

That's the big thing. Should we get into the announcement?

Victor Rancour:

Yeah, we can, man. It's, it's nothing crazy. You guys have seen some of the posts that are going on and it's something that like, fuck, I almost did this with another person and just the team that we put together to make this happen and why I'm like, dude, this is going to be awesome is because I know who's behind it. I know what's what's going to happen. I know what's possible and I know that, yeah. It's going to impact a lot of people's lives. We are going to change more people's lives than we've ever had the opportunity to and it's just exciting. So I guess we can jump into it. So you guys probably saw me today. I was, I've been out in Texas, right? I think it's like almost like, should have been in Texas a long time ago, this is so much more opportunity for me here, just because no one really wants to come to California.

Thaddeus Tondu:

All the Californians are moving to Texas.

Victor Rancour:

Like no one wants to come out there for training the only one that gets really, it's hard for people to get out there. It's expensive, and it's just a lot of things that really tied into it about a week ago and keep in mind, this is something that's been in our, in my mind and pushing forward for a while, but it just all the pieces fell together. We've decided we're actually, Profit Rocket is going to be rebranding. We've created a partnership with a training organization called Apex, and we're actually going to be calling it training building out what's called the Apex Learning Institute and we're going to be going into multiple different verticals, obviously starting with HVAC and we're really going to push into that. So all the profit rocket stuff is now going to become apex one of the key factors was obviously being able to train it up and get these teams up to speed really fast and I was able to convince one of my best friends, Tom, to move from Vegas and move out to Dallas and really build our team out from there, we've got about 50 new sales reps. We're about to run about, three, four or five, thousand dollars a day and probably a thousand dollars a day to start on Facebook ads and really start pumping this thing out there and then we're really building the entire ecosystem around how do we take care of these customers and scale them as we start first, we'll be in the blueprint. We'll everybody getting on the blueprint. We have a amazing partnerships that we have from the tech stacks that we use, all the things that we use in our businesses a bunch of rebates and buying power that, I don't think any other organization even has even the big ones don't have some of the deals that we're working out right now and then from there, it was really building out their monthly, weekly training. So we're going to have multiple trainings all year round. We're going to have, we're going to have technical training. We're going to have a sales training. We're going to have service training. We're going to have finance training, call center training. So we're going to have different different workshops consistently throughout the entire year. We are going to be hiring on trainers. They're going to be joining, going to onsites all over the country. People can have us come out and do the training and implementation and now we have a, an amazing team and what they, with with us and Apex combined Ryan's team has been, they've been building a training organization forever. They get to be the backend to it and obviously I'm the brain behind all the implementation, all the stuff that goes into it me and Michelle are really still, me and Michelle and Mike are still really we're going to be like involved as far as like how the things are laid out, how it's done and how it's taught and all that. We're really going to teach the trainers to teach our processes. But I think we're going to scale faster than any training organization you've ever seen. First is going HVAC. We're going to, we have, we're bringing in some of the best experts in different trades. So we got roofing, we got door to door. We have all these things that are coming in. They're all going to be rolled into Apex and we're going to be rolling that out very fast. Like we're already in the process of rebranding all the profit rocket right now, so the blueprint will be rebranded. All the new products that we've been working on are going to be into the blueprint really quickly and I think that, we're going to be probably having 200 percent events every single month over and over and I think that's really what's going to happen. We're building this beautiful training facility out here for the technical training as well. So we're going to have, we're having everything from install, install training, service call training, all that stuff is going to be here as well to get your technicians and stuff up to speed. I really feel like the trades and a lot of the, a lot of the training has really dropped the ball and really held back the trades for a long time. We have some amazing people that are coming in to make this happen. And I keep posting, right? A team is going to get you where you want to go faster, right? So with this team, we're going to be building this out and I see my partner, Sean and Sean Pollard is one of the main reasons I'm doing this and he was a Andy Elliott's right hand guy. He helped training company from the freaking garage to, a hundred million dollars. But his big thing is operations and putting things in place and checks and balances and making sure that customers are taken care of and satisfied and all that stuff and so when he came over to start working with Ryan is when we really opened up this conversation and, obviously when you get to someone like Ryan and someone like me, we both got big egos and you're like, Oh, I can do it myself and I can do it myself but really, we really laid it out and I showed Ryan what we had. He realized we had an amazing product and he saw my vision and what we can make happen. It was just destined to make it happen, especially with my move to Dallas. We are putting those two things together. Apex Learning Institute is going to be live pretty quickly and we're going to have a very affordable, amazing training program for people all over the country that really want to grow their businesses and we're also going to do a special one just for startups. If you want to start up a business we're going to have an option for that. You call in, I'm going to build a special package. If you never started a business, I'm going to show you everything you need to start the business from how to set up your LLC to everything and then I'm also going to give you a special one year, one year pricing on it to help you get your business where you want to go quicker. I think it's going to be amazing. I think we're going to build a great team and it's just, I think you guys are going to be really shocked about like how fast this grows. We do have a plan to be three to 5 million in the next three for 5 million a month within the next three months as far as what we're going to be doing in that organization.

Evan Hoffman:

No, I love it and a lot of what you're talking about, even in terms of a brand new business getting started, you're putting on YouTube for free based on what you're doing at fast response, which I love as well. Cause a lot of people talk about, I wish that I could have been a fly on the wall when Bezos was building Amazon, right? Or Steve Jobs was building Apple and you weren't able to see that. It wasn't documented the way that this is. So I'm really glad that you're doing that.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah. Really cool. The vlogging stuff and my camera guys, I got fricking five cameras in my face right now. So all this stuff is getting documented and like, it's going to be cool. I think, a lot of people don't really see what goes on behind the scenes and they think Oh, it's easier if I'm like, dude, it's stressful. It's tiring. Like my partner has been sleeping in the shop, like we're working crazy hours and trying to get it all put together. But it's, it's tiring, man. It's a lot of work, but I'm looking at this and and I, and like I said, I'm promising these people across, sitting across the table with me that I'm going to build something special for them and their family, and I'm really dedicated to making that happen and that's what it's really about.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Excited for the big things that are going to come from that because like total, and I was doing some reading on Ryan Steumann and what he has and what he's built and what he can do with Apex. Like it's going to be a phenomenal partnership. Stoked for it.

Victor Rancour:

We also made a really big partnership with Siro as well. And you guys understand our Siro's in home AI analytic company and I'm actually now a partner in that business and I'm actually head of like product development and I feel like some of our competitors aren't really developing as the way that we are. Like we really, at Siro, we're really trying to build out something special for our clients and we really customize it to their business but now if you're a Blueprint member, we've already built the entire Blueprint into Siro. So now, when your guys are in the field, are they following the process? Where are they failing? And then we really can tell exactly where your failure points are in your business and what we can train on. So we're going to use that as an organization, as a training organization, we can actually access your Siro. If your client of ours are using both, we can access it and see where your guys are failing and say, Hey, look, Brad Jim and Tommy are really having trouble with this objection. You guys want to jump on a call and we can help you go over how we can fix that objection or hey, you got three guys that are just crushing the process and it looks like their numbers are killing it. But I got five guys down here who are not really following along day in the day out and doing the process. You should have them out for our class. So now we can really target and micro target which guys really need a training and what kind of training they need and then we can go help those customers and we're working on the front end stuff with Siro right now where we're analyzing the call centers as they come in, the calls as they come in, analyzing where they dropped the ball and why they didn't book the call and what they should have done differently. Okay. So now we can even pinpoint that and we can have some call center training, pinpointing those issues as well. And so it's just a lot of, obviously the tech stack and how you do things and implement it is really, it's really helping. That's one of the biggest things I'm implementing in this business is that is implementing Siro. So day one, I'm going to know everything that's going on inside the field and how we can get better and obviously bringing in green guys and be able to train them. I'm going to be able to train them in real time and faster and get these things, get these guys up to speed. People don't understand like the technologies out there. If you don't use it. You're going to get ran over and that's one of the reasons I'm going to be able to scale fast, because I'm going to be able to know exactly what's going on, where we're dropping the ball and what we can do to train and that's why we're building this training facility. We are going to train five days a week. Okay in five days, we can get this thing down and we are going to become the McDonald's of HVAC here in Dallas. And we are going to do things the right way over and over again and we're going to continue to make and taking market share that way.

Evan Hoffman:

No, I love that. You got to be able to put out the practice time, right? And that's something that we talked about in our organization too, is you look at football, how many hours of practice do they spend before they get three hours of a game on a Sunday, right? Like it's a ridiculously unbalanced amount of time that's spent on practice.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah. And it's I talk all the time and they're like I was a top producer, right? And as a top producer, I'm always trying to get better, right? A lot of times it's the bottom guys I don't really want to improve, but you'd be surprised, if I had zero, I would be able to pinpoint where I messed up and I could be, now I can, instead of selling 4 million or 5 million, I could have been selling 7 million by making these little tweaks, right? And it's the same thing at Tom Brady. You think Tom Brady doesn't study his game film all the time? relentlessly, right? And then he trains on the, on his failure points. Hey, what did I mess up on? How do I fix it? Those little tweaks and really push the needle in your business, your organization, and the cool thing I really love about Siro is that if I go out there and I run a call and I get it right, I sell the job and actually get broadcast to the entire company. So they actually, the other guys that are there can go see what did Victor say in the house that actually helped get the deal done? What was the process? What is he doing to actually be successful? And I think that's something that I'm really excited about as well. So like I said, when you guys start seeing our training facility go live in a couple weeks, a lot of this stuff, we'll be documenting how we're doing the training, what we're pinpointing, what we're looking for, what we're seeing. And hey, our memberships are down, sales are down. None of you guys are offering memberships. And we know that based on Siro, right? Or, hey, this, IAQ's down. No one's offered an air scrubber in freaking a week, right? Okay. That's probably why we're down and so we'll be able to train on the things and move the needle way better and way faster than ever before. So if you guys haven't checked it out, you guys need to go to siro.ai and check it out. It's amazing. We have some special pricing for any of our Profit Rocket or Apex members. You guys definitely got to check that out as well.

Evan Hoffman:

Yeah. We got Joe coming on the podcast here in three or four weeks. another former Cutco guy. So I'm excited to chop it up with him in a month.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah. Joe's awesome, man. You can see what he spoke over at at Rocket X and everything like that and they're a solid team the biggest thing, the reason I really wanted to partner with them is they really do care, care about the trades. They really do want to evolve, and me being able to help with the product development and getting the contractors really what they need to succeed. was one of the biggest determining factors in me going all in on it and that's what I'm really excited about is they actually allow me to, help people and grow and we've already implemented it at Fiskor. We're about to implement it at Fast Response as soon as I get my, get enough freaking techs in the field, right? So we're going to have it implemented. We'll show you how it works and we'll show you how it trains my guys so far at Fiscor are loving it because now they know what they're messing up on we've already seen like a 25 percent increase in sales since we went on we went live about two and a half, almost three months ago.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Oh, and it's the data points, right? And that's where AI is leveraging that be able to analyze the data points to be able to say, Hey, this is where you can actually work on it. The difference between somebody like a Brent Buckley or, the top guys that are already doing eight, 10, 12 million per year by themselves is they already know that. Internally on what they need to analyze because they replay it. Now AIX gives that tool to everybody.

Victor Rancour:

You gotta, you also remember it and one of the things I talk about and more than anything it's compliance, right? Making sure you guys aren't lying, stealing, and cheating to your customers because I won't fly here, right? For me, if I know if my customers now, I know if they're trying to side job me what they're saying in the house, I know if they're lying, stealing, and cheating and I can really pinpoint those failure points in my business before they become legal, before they go to Yelp. Before they go to Google and get bad reviews, I can be able to analyze that and Siro will tell you, Hey, red flag, Vic, something's got going on over here. I know that what's going on in the house isn't right and I can catch it. I can identify it. I can fix the problem, move forward, but compliance too. So now if I go, if I'm going to a, I got to go to court against someone. I know exactly what was said in that damn house. Like I know the conversation, and that's something that's. These larger companies, that's why a lot of the big private equity groups are signing up for it too. They're like the training's great, right? Obviously, train, anytime you, your technicians think you're listening to them or following them, they magically do a better job no matter what, even if you're not listening to it. If you do a ride along, your numbers go up but the big thing is compliance as well and making sure that you're at, cover your ass. One lawsuit costs you more than serial costs 10 years, right? So it's like one of those things that, you got to really think about cost versus reward. My numbers are going to go up. My compliance is going to go up and my lawsuits go down. Like I'm freaking definitely something I want to do and the price point is stupid cheap. It's penny, it's literally, it's pennies on the dollar compared to other products on the market that are doing the same thing and it's one of those things that if you don't do it, it's just you're just stepping over dollars to pick up pennies at the end of the day.

Evan Hoffman:

My understanding of that one, that compared to competitors on the market is it removes the person bias, the human bias that exists in reviewing any of those calls that are happening. It's all based on the data and it's the AI scraping it and then sending it out to the other technicians to say, Hey, this call went well, here's how they handled it, this objection, you're struggling with it, go listen to this.

Victor Rancour:

Dude the data points are badass. Like we were, we just had that up at big on a big screen over the Apex headquarters and we were looking at it and just the real data points of what's going on with the business, what's going on in your calls is amazing. And like I said, as we implement and we're working towards implementing the call, the front end call center side, where we analyze the call who the fuck wants to listen to their call center talk? Nobody. Okay so now the AI's gonna analyze it and we all, we have what's called the, key points within there. So instead of having to go through the whole thing and try to find the issues. Siro actually highlights the key things where they either did really good or where they did really bad and we'd be able to actually implement those and be able to target those quickly, rather than try to listen to fucking a hundred phone calls a day and see what's going on and analyzing them. Now we know why they didn't book the call, what happened, what's going on here. We'll also get to the point where we're actually going to analyze a customer based on how they sound, how they talk on the phone. It'll actually pick up their color codes and understand what kind of buyer you're dealing with. So if I'm a sales rep, all of a sudden they, this call, they listen to the call, analyze it now it's going to send it into server side and it's connected in there. It's going to send, hey this customer, this is what they, cause a lot of call center reps, they put stupid notes. They don't put the right thing. Now it's actually going to tell you, Hey, this customer called in for this item they have this type of personality this is the type of buyer they are and when you go into the house, make sure you talk about this and so now you've got power going into the house now you got the, now you have the analytics on the backend and then what we're really working for is our integration with RP1 as well. It's where I'm going to take the front end, right? The front end analytics and when they called in. What happened in the home, and then I'm going to take those data points, maybe it's a, we could even know, I know what kind of a dog they have with the dog's name, the daughter's name. Now it's going to feed in RP1 AI rehash, and AI rehash is actually going to use that against them to try to sell them. Hey, it looks like you're really interested in this thing, blah, blah, blah. I know little Timmy's room was having airflow issues the techs are going to be able to have that communication with customers via AI and sell you more jobs.

Evan Hoffman:

I love that. It's personalization of messaging, right? And that's when you can connect with someone on a human level. Exactly, right? And the efficiency with AI, it's, yeah, game changer.

Victor Rancour:

I'm telling you, man there's so many fucking awesome things going on, man. I'm just excited. I'm excited. I already know where the next, six, six months or 12 months is and be like, holy shit what we're going to, what we're going to accomplish and the things that we're going to be able to do. But, you yeah, there's the partnership with Apex is something that I'm really excited about. Something that we, we really put a lot of thought into. It allows me to like big, my big thing is making sure my, I have the focus for my partners and be able to grow their businesses and also I'm going to be able to still impact the same people and I don't have to have the whole infrastructure and stress and all the time, like all the stuff I had to deal with. I'm trying to run all these different businesses. I'm really narrowing it down to where this is what we run now and that's what yeah, that's like time for the faster response time but yeah, at the end of the day, man we're going to keep chipping away and I know there's some people that, no matter what I do, they're going to wish that I fail or they're going to hope that I do and for them, I feel sorry for you for the other guys, man, I'm really going to document this thing. So we're going to, I'm hoping that what I'm doing is motivating you and a lot of times you were like, why is he posting so much? I'm like, dude, you should see how many messages I get every day. Hey, you got me excited to get up. I needed that this morning. I needed this, like you're pushing me and you're making me make this decision, making me to pull the trigger. That's the people that I'm doing it for. I'm not doing it for the people that hate me you can't get people to not hate you, right? At the end of the day, no matter what you do, you can be the best person on the planet. Someone's going to find a reason to hate you and if you guys are riding with me, you guys are following this thing, man, thank you guys so much. It means a lot to me. I know we've done some really cool shit over the last five years. I know we've impacted a lot of people but I'm excited to grow. I'm excited to do what we're going to do. Yeah, that's where I'm at, man.

Thaddeus Tondu:

Perfect. I think this is probably a good natural segue to, to wrap things up because we've dropped a lot of information, dropped a lot of knowledge. I'm excited to see the future in another season of Victor Rancour. We've been watching for it since more or less roughly the same time. This might change, but call profit rocket. com is the URL that they have victor at callprofitrocket.com. If you want to reach out to him there.

Evan Hoffman:

Hopefully you've got a good marketer set up so that you can forward that URL once it changes.

Victor Rancour:

I know some guys I can call but yeah, and if you guys are watching you guys are struggling or anything like, even if you are struggling, you don't, you can't really can't afford the Blueprint. You can't afford to reach out. I'll find out some way to help you out. I'll find a sponsor. There's things like that. I've helped a lot of companies. If you're really struggling, man, I'm not one to really beat you up. If I can help you, I can help you. If I can make you a deal, I'll make you a deal, man. I really want to be able to impact as many people as possible. You guys all know that I answer my DMs pretty much 24 hours a day. I don't know how. I freaking answer them as quickly as I possibly can. I do answer them myself. So if you guys reach out to me on Facebook at victor_rancour or Twitter. I will help you guys as much as I can and obviously understand that I am busier than I've ever been in my life right now but I have always taken my time to help as many people as I can. I hope you guys, I hope you guys enjoy this podcast, if you guys want to reach out to me if you guys are looking to, partner scale, whatever it is, if you guys are looking for better training, please reach out. I'll get you guys pointing in the right direction and maybe it's not that time. Maybe I won't partner with you now, but at least I'll give you some pointers of things you can do to get you where the point where you want to do that Thad, that, or Evan and dad, thank you guys so much for having me on. I hope you guys enjoy this podcast. I hope, I don't know if I came off like an ass. I just, sometimes I don't know how I come off to people, but I hope that people got something out of this podcast and it motivates them to go step up and do some big shit cause you only got one life and one opportunity, so you got to make some shit happen.

Thaddeus Tondu:

As Eminem said, you got one shot. You had a good song about that anyways, we do have one final question though, for you, Victor what is one question in Victor 7. 0, Victor 2024, what is one question that you wish people would ask you more, but don't?

Victor Rancour:

One question I wish they would ask me more, but they don't. I think that one question I wish they would ask me more is probably maybe my like, why do I do it? A lot of people just like they say they see it or I don't know, maybe more Hey, Vic ic, what what are the things that, what's something you would implement today? A lot of people just ask me what have you done? I'm like no, it's not what I've done. It's Hey, what would you do today? If I was this size, right? If they asked me that question, I can usually give them good pointers. A lot of times, these bigger guys, these big companies, they don't know how to break it down to the little guy and I think that's one of the things I've always been able to do is I can connect with the little guy all the way to the big guy and everything in between. So maybe if you do reach out to me to ask me what would you do if you're in this position? Really get granular with it so that it gives me, I can respond faster, right? So I can cut down on the time that I'm spending on the thing, but get to that question. I'm really, I'm real direct to be direct with me. Say, Hey Vic, if you were me, this is what I got going on. What would you do? And I can really narrow down and it's pretty much at your size of what I would do in that situation. And I think that would speed up a lot of my conversations online.

Thaddeus Tondu:

But it makes a ton of sense because like the problems and struggles that somebody has that let's say zero to one, one to five, five 20 are completely different in right?

Victor Rancour:

Dude. It's like I was on stage and I think I was with it was a Profit Rocket in Vegas. It was a, I was a Rhino podcast and it was me, Yano, Tommy and Ish and obviously Tommy and Hish had built these amazing big businesses, but dude, they were fucking way over these people's heads. I'm like will I make a Tommy, Hish? Chill out. Let's reverse as understand or know your audience. They're like, go hire a CFO and do this and I'm like, dude, these guys can't, these guys got fucking two trucks. Let's talk to these guys like this. So there's different stages of business and different stages of life and I think that's one thing I've always done is I can build my stuff around any size from the small to big, and I've done it all so much in such a short period of time that I can, I pretty good at really answering it wait, I can, it's something that takes those issues, but that, that would be my thing, man. Just really be direct with me, but also hey, ask me what you do on my side. It's not Hey Vic, how'd you do it? Hey, I'm here. What can I do? And it makes it a lot easier to answer those

Evan Hoffman:

you got AI Vic coming on the rehash side. When's AI Vic coming on the coaching side?

Victor Rancour:

We'll see. I think that on the coaching side, there's always going to have to be that personal side. And I think that there's, there is some stuff. So even in if you have Siro, we actually built in there where you can ask, Yes. It says it's a Victor AI in there, so you can ask it any objection, anything, what would you do if this customer said this inside the Siro app with any technician that has, it can ask, and it'll give you exactly what I would say for every objection, how to overcome it, what I would do, how to prevent it, all that stuff is in there and analyzed, so you can do within seconds, you can put it into Siro and get an answer back on what Victor would do in that situation.

Thaddeus Tondu:

And then they put it in the earbud and it spits it out and they just to listen and repeat.

Victor Rancour:

Yeah. It analyzes their voice and it speaks for them. It's pretty cool.

Thaddeus Tondu:

There you go. They just have to, they have to lip sync it. Victor, I'll be the first to say, Hey, thanks for coming on. I, you're doing some amazing things down in Dallas. I'm looking forward to watching the rocket ship continue to go. It's been an absolute treat. Thanks for coming on and thanks for the announcement with us today.

Victor Rancour:

one last thing, if you guys are interested in Siro, if you do sign up for a demo and you do a demo, you will get a free ticket to our event in New York in October. If you do sign up for Siro, if you sign up for the, I think it's five licenses or more, I'm not sure we'll actually pay for your flight, your hotel and your ticket to the event and you guys can come out at no cost on us to help you guys obviously subsidize some of that cost. Love you guys. Thank you guys for coming on. Keep doing what you guys are doing. The podcast is awesome. I know you guys got some great listeners and I know a lot of people got a lot of great stuff out of your podcast. So keep it up. I know it's a lot of work and I hope you guys have a good rest of your day and let's go out there and crush it, man. Let's go crush this summer, everybody.

Evan Hoffman:

Appreciate you, Vic.

Victor Rancour:

See you guys.

Thaddeus Tondu:

And until next time, cheers.

Victor Rancour:


Thaddeus Tondu:

Well, That's a wrap on another episode of HVAC Success Secrets Revealed. Before you go, two quick things. First off, join our Facebook group, facebook.com/groups/hvacrevealed. The other thing, if you took one tiny bit of information out of this show, no matter how big, no matter how small, all we ask is for you to introduce this to one person in your contacts list. That's it. That's all. One person. So they too can unleash the ultimate HVAC business. Until next time, cheers. Cheers.